How Technology is Transforming Education in Africa
November 7, 2017
By Eagle Group International
While many African countries have made huge strides in improving children’s access to education, there is much work to be done. Research indicates that 32.6 million children of primary-school do not have access to education in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there are indications that technology could play an important part in filling this gap. Africa is currently undergoing a digital revolution where many organizations are involved in trials using communication and information technology in the classroom and outside. Use of technology in education is said to help reduce the cost of learning and act as a complementary solution for teacher training in the continent. Technology also has an added value compared to the traditional learning methods. Specifically, mobile learning and education tablets plays an important role in changing the education landscape in Africa. According to studies, Africa’s mobile phone penetration had reached 73% by 2014 which translates to about 650 million people owning mobile phones on the continent.